boardinghouse.migrations.0005_group_views module

boardinghouse.migrations.0005_group_views.move_existing_to_schemata(apps, schema_editor)[source]

This is not really working that well at the moment. Perhaps we should look at using the migration operations that actually add/remove these tables?

Or maybe just give instructions about what to do if this case is detected?


Which of the django.contrib.auth models should be private, and more specifically, should also have an (empty) VIEW inside settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, so we don’t get exceptions when no schema is activated.

Note this takes into account the settings.PRIVATE_MODELS, to allow us to use the one migration for when boardinghouse.contrib.groups is installed (or is added by other means).


Return a DDL statement that creates a VIEW based on the model.

The view MUST always return an empty query, and writes to the view should be silently discarded without error.