Source code for boardinghouse.admin


from __future__ import unicode_literals

import django
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry, LogEntryManager
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import expressions, Q
from django.dispatch import receiver

from .models import Schema
from .schema import get_active_schema_name, get_schema_model, is_shared_model
from .signals import find_schema

[docs]class SchemaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ The `ModelAdmin` for the schema class should protect the `schema` field, but only once the object has been saved. """
[docs] def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None): """ Prevents `schema` from being editable once created. """ if obj is not None: return ('schema',) return ()
filter_horizontal = ('users',) actions = []
# We only want to install our SchemaAdmin if our schema model is the # one that is used: otherwise it's up to the project developer to # add it to the admin, if they want it. if get_schema_model() == Schema:, SchemaAdmin)
[docs]def schemata(obj): """ Useful function for adding schemata representation to admin list view. """ return '<br>'.join([ for s in obj.schemata.all()])
schemata.allow_tags = True
[docs]def get_inline_instances(self, request, obj=None): """ Prevent the display of non-shared inline objects associated with private models if no schema is currently selected. If we don't patch this, then a ``DatabaseError`` will occur because the tables could not be found. """ schema = get_active_schema_name() return [ inline(self.model, self.admin_site) for inline in self.inlines if schema or is_shared_model(inline.model) ]
admin.ModelAdmin.get_inline_instances = get_inline_instances if not getattr(LogEntry, 'object_schema', None): # We can't use a proper foreign key, as it plays havoc with migrations. LogEntry.add_to_class( 'object_schema_id', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) ) @receiver(models.signals.pre_save, sender=LogEntry) def update_object_schema(sender, instance, **kwargs): obj = instance.get_edited_object() if not is_shared_model(obj): instance.object_schema_id = obj._schema get_admin_url = LogEntry.get_admin_url def get_admin_url_with_schema(self): url = get_admin_url(self) if self.object_schema_id and url: return '{0}?__schema={1}'.format(url, self.object_schema_id) return url LogEntry.get_admin_url = get_admin_url_with_schema SchemaModel = get_schema_model() def object_schema(self): for handler, response in find_schema.send(sender=None, schema=self.object_schema_id): if response: return response LogEntry.object_schema = property(object_schema) def get_queryset(self): queryset = super(LogEntryManager, self).get_queryset() if django.VERSION < (1, 8): return queryset.extra(where=['object_schema_id = current_schema() OR object_schema_id IS NULL']) return queryset.filter(Q(object_schema_id=None) | Q(object_schema_id=expressions.RawSQL('current_schema()', []))) LogEntryManager.get_queryset = get_queryset