Source code for boardinghouse.apps

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.core.checks import Error, Warning, register

CONTEXT = 'boardinghouse.context_processors.schemata'
MIDDLEWARE = 'boardinghouse.middleware.SchemaMiddleware'
DB_ENGINES = ['boardinghouse.backends.postgres']

[docs]class BoardingHouseConfig(AppConfig): """ Default AppConfig for django-boardinghouse. This class ensures that all settings is `boardinghouse.settings` are present in the settings for the project. Defaults are pulled from that module. There are also a couple of monkey-patches that are applied: for instance, :class:`AnonymousUser` gets `visible_schemata` and `schemata` attributes, and the installed `User` model gets a `visible_schemata` if one is not present. Some extra models are added to the private models list (which needs to happen here because it relies on `django.contrib.auth` being installed) """ name = 'boardinghouse' _ready_has_run = False def ready(self): if self._ready_has_run: return # Make sure that all default settings have been applied (if not overwritten). from boardinghouse import settings as app_settings from django.conf import settings, global_settings for key in dir(app_settings): if key.isupper(): value = getattr(app_settings, key) setattr(global_settings, key, value) if not hasattr(settings, key): setattr(settings, key, value) # Make non-logged-in users unable to view any schemata. from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, models from boardinghouse.schema import get_schema_model from boardinghouse.models import visible_schemata User = get_user_model() models.AnonymousUser.visible_schemata = get_schema_model().objects.none() if not hasattr(User, 'visible_schemata'): User.visible_schemata = property(visible_schemata) if hasattr(User, 'schemata'): models.AnonymousUser.schemata = get_schema_model().objects.none() # Make sure User <--> Group and User <--> Permission are per-schema. # If this is not desired, then it needs to be overriden. settings.PRIVATE_MODELS.extend([ '{m.app_label}.{m.model_name}'.format(m=User.groups.through._meta).lower(), '{m.app_label}.{m.model_name}'.format(m=User.user_permissions.through._meta).lower() ]) from boardinghouse import receivers # NOQA self._ready_has_run = True
[docs]def check_db_backend(app_configs=None, **kwargs): "Ensure all database backends are using a backend that we work with." from django.conf import settings errors = [] for name, data in settings.DATABASES.items(): if data['ENGINE'] not in DB_ENGINES: errors.append(Error( 'DATABASES[{0!s}][ENGINE] of {1!s} is not a known backend.'.format( name, data['ENGINE'] ), hint="Try boardinghouse.backends.postgres", id='boardinghouse.E001', )) return errors
[docs]def check_session_middleware_installed(app_configs=None, **kwargs): """Ensure that SessionMiddleware is installed. Without it, we would be unable to store which schema should be active for a given request. """ from django.conf import settings if getattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARE', None): for middleware in settings.MIDDLEWARE: if middleware.endswith('.SessionMiddleware'): return [] return [Error( 'It appears that no session middleware is installed.', hint="Add 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE", id='boardinghouse.E002', )] elif hasattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES'): for middleware in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: if middleware.endswith('.SessionMiddleware'): return [] return [Error( 'It appears that no session middleware is installed.', hint="Add 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES", id='boardinghouse.E002', )]
[docs]def check_middleware_installed(app_configs=None, **kwargs): "Ensure that _our_ middleware is installed." from django.conf import settings if getattr(settings, 'MIDDLEWARE', None): MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = settings.MIDDLEWARE else: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES errors = [] if MIDDLEWARE not in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: errors.append(Error( 'Missing required middleware', hint="Add '{0}' to settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES".format(MIDDLEWARE), id='boardinghouse.E003' )) return errors
[docs]def check_context_processor_installed(app_configs=None, **kwargs): "Warn if our context processor is not installed." from django.conf import settings errors = [] if hasattr(settings, 'TEMPLATES'): for i, engine in enumerate(settings.TEMPLATES): # We only check for the context processor if using the default django backend. if engine['BACKEND'] != 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates': continue if CONTEXT not in engine.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('context_processors', []): errors.append(Warning( 'Missing boardinghouse context processor', hint="Add '{1}' to settings.TEMPLATES[{0}]" "['OPTIONS']['context_processors']".format(i, CONTEXT), id='boardinghouse.W001' )) elif hasattr(settings, 'TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS'): if CONTEXT not in settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS: errors.append(Warning( 'Missing boardinghouse context processor', hint="Add '{0}' to settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS".format(CONTEXT), id='boardinghouse.W001' )) else: errors.append(Warning( 'Missing boardinghouse context processor (no TEMPLATES defined)', hint="Configure settings.TEMPLATES and add '{0}'".format(CONTEXT), id='boardinghouse.W001', )) return errors
[docs]def check_installed_before_admin(app_configs=None, **kwargs): """ If `django.contrib.admin` is also installed, we must be installed before it. Is this even true anymore? """ from django.conf import settings errors = [] if 'django.contrib.admin' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: admin = settings.INSTALLED_APPS.index('django.contrib.admin') local = settings.INSTALLED_APPS.index('boardinghouse') if admin < local: errors.append(Error( "boardinghouse must be installed prior to 'django.contrib.admin'", id='boardinghouse.E004', )) return errors