Source code for boardinghouse.migrations.0005_group_views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import migrations

from boardinghouse.schema import _table_exists
from boardinghouse.signals import schema_aware_operation

[docs]def private_auth_models(apps): """ Which of the django.contrib.auth models should be private, and more specifically, should also have an (empty) VIEW inside settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, so we don't get exceptions when no schema is activated. Note this takes into account the settings.PRIVATE_MODELS, to allow us to use the one migration for when `boardinghouse.contrib.groups` is installed (or is added by other means). """ User = apps.get_model(*settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL.split('.')) models = [User.groups.through, User.user_permissions.through] if 'auth.groups' in settings.PRIVATE_MODELS: models.append(apps.get_model('auth', 'group')) return models
[docs]def view_from_model(model): """ Return a DDL statement that creates a VIEW based on the model. The view MUST always return an empty query, and writes to the view should be silently discarded without error. """ return '''CREATE VIEW "{public}"."{table_name}" AS (SELECT * FROM "{template}"."{table_name}" WHERE false); CREATE TRIGGER "{table_name}_noop" INSTEAD OF INSERT ON "{public}"."{table_name}" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE noop()'''.format(public=settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, template=settings.TEMPLATE_SCHEMA, table_name=model._meta.db_table)
def create_views(apps, schema_editor): # We need a noop() function in the database, to use as our INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger. schema_editor.execute( "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION noop() RETURNS TRIGGER AS 'BEGIN RETURN NEW; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql;" ) for model in private_auth_models(apps): schema_editor.execute(view_from_model(model)) def drop_views(apps, schema_editor): for model in private_auth_models(apps): schema_editor.execute('DROP VIEW "{public}"."{table_name}" CASCADE'.format( public=settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, table_name=model._meta.db_table ))
[docs]def move_existing_to_schemata(apps, schema_editor): """ This is not really working that well at the moment. Perhaps we should look at using the migration operations that actually add/remove these tables? Or maybe just give instructions about what to do if this case is detected? """ def move_table(table_name): schema_editor.execute('CREATE TABLE "{table}" (LIKE "{public}"."{table}" INCLUDING ALL)'.format( public=settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, table=table_name )) for model in private_auth_models(apps): # Look for model in public schema. table_name = model._meta.db_table if ( _table_exists(schema=settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, table_name=table_name) and not _table_exists(schema=settings.TEMPLATE_SCHEMA, table_name=table_name) ): schema_aware_operation.send(schema_editor, db_table=table_name, function=move_table, args=(table_name,)) # Now we need to delete the table from the public schema. schema_editor.execute( 'ALTER TABLE "{public}"."{table}" RENAME TO ____{table}'.format(public=settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA, table=table_name))
def noop(apps, schema_editor): pass class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ('boardinghouse', '0004_change_sequence_owners'), ] operations = [ # We need to look and see if we have the tables that we are expecting to have as private relations, # but in the public schema. If we do, then we need to drop them, and create empty versions in all # schemata (template and otherwise). The reverse of this is a noop, because we don't support the erroneous # state that existed before. migrations.RunPython(move_existing_to_schemata, noop), # Then we need to create the views, to prevent exceptions when querying for permissions without an active # schema. migrations.RunPython(create_views, drop_views), ]