boardinghouse.settings module

boardinghouse.settings.BOARDINGHOUSE_SCHEMA_MODEL = 'boardinghouse.Schema'

The model that will store the actual schema objects. This should be a subclass of boardinghouse.models.AbstractSchema, or expose the same methods.

boardinghouse.settings.PRIVATE_MODELS = [u'auth.user_groups', u'auth.user_user_permissions']

Overrides for models that should be place in each schema.

This enables us to do magic like have the m2m join table for a pair of shared models be schema-aware.

Can we annotate a ForeignKey field, or perhaps do something in the Model.Meta to set this?

Perhaps we could have a SchemaAwareManyToManyField()…

boardinghouse.settings.PUBLIC_SCHEMA = 'public'

The name of the public schema. The default should work for all cases, other than where you know you need to change it.

boardinghouse.settings.SHARED_MODELS = []

Models that should be in the public/shared schema, rather than in each tenant’s schema.

Note that some models are always shared, which you can see in boardinghouse.schema.REQUIRED_SHARED_MODELS

boardinghouse.settings.TEMPLATE_SCHEMA = '__template__'

The name of the template schema. The default should probably be okay, but if you really know that it needs to change, then you may.